Saturday, June 14, 2008

Our Weekend

We haven't used the car this weekend- we have been very environmentally-conscious :0)

Princess and I walked to the supermarket for more groceries, and new library books. We didn't eat meat...well, dh and I had some pea and ham soup actually- but our dinners were meat-free.

I made nachos out of lentils and beans- they were delicious. Grandma came for dinner, and she is used to eating meat, but said they weren't too bad.

We all played a game with Grandma. J-Man has played WoW, and Pokemon Sapphire on his gameboy. He spent an hour and a half making WoW wallpaper for a laptop Daddy has brought home from work. HE had his first tvc audition in ages, and then went with Daddy to pick up his new (second-hand) bed...oh I just remembered we did use the car...nuts! Well, I didn't, lol.

J-Man and Daddy are setting up "twins" in Sims, trying to make their characters exactly alike.

We moved his room around to accommodate the new bed, and put the old one on top of Princess' bunkbed.

Princess has done lots of drawing, and made a number chart- numbers 1-12 and corresponding pictures/numbers of items. She asked me to make her a puzzle, and I made her a word-find where she had to match the word with a picture then find it on the grid. She was miffed my looked more like a jug, and showed me the correct way to draw a book :0)

Later she wanted me to make her a scavenger hunt, which I also did. I gave her written clues like "Something red", and "something big". We haven't done that for a long time, and it was a lot of fun for her. We began reading Akimbo and the Snakes and she helped me fold washing (and enjoyed it), and make pancakes, and a pudding.

Tombliboo has been a busy boy, as always- doing a million things, and making many of the same messes he likes to make every day. I am forever having this feeling of deja vu...did I not just pick these puzzles pieces up? Yes, indeed I did- more fool me for putting them back in the same place so they could be tipped out yet again...sigh...I'm learning...just not, it would seem, as quickly as my children.

Grandma brought over a new set of (huge) shelves...I can't believe how good they look- suddenly two shelf-spaces have been transformed ,and far better utilised than before. I have spare room on these shelves...brilliant!

I've got plenty done, and played lots of scrabble as well...nice :0)

We're thinking about getting blood tests to discern whether or not we are gluten-sensitive...we know J-Man is sensitive to wheat, and so is Tombliboo...but we haven't checked properly.

We're also waiting to hear if Princess will be filmed for a student production (not televised) this week. She is very excited about the possibility.

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